Dan sejak Rabu ini, secara resmi aku udah ga ngantor di situ lagi. Kalo kemaren pun aku kesitu dengan T-shirt, jeans, sandal, itu cuma tuk ngambil barang-barangku, copy cd, backup data, lanjutin bersih-bersih kompie dan sedikit haha-hihi dengan beberapa rekan.
Thanks GOD, dari 2 masalah yang aku harus hadapi, selesai 1. Sisanya aku harus tunggu paling ga 5 hari lagi... long way to go ... :( but at least I'm brighter, lighter, stronger, happier!
Thanks a lot to all my friends who supported and still pushing me to go forward :) I really appreciate it!

Hi michan, shanty, inex-, cheesca, pyro, petzie, arb3i, joshua, Ray, venety, irene, leon!E, Nita, ryonn, kullasyah, Mary, N[a], ruhe, .d.e.e, krisflower <--- see... behind these names are great people with big heart!
Sweet attitude guys :) GOD loves it and HE loves you more than you know!
Special thanks to mee-a and blue (they again! hehe..), what a 'gift' you've given me that night. So awesome and unforgetable... I'll remember you for all my life ... or till the time's up ;) "Lift up your cross, hold it as tough as you can, ok?! HE's seeing you both from up there..."
Thanks also to my family - mom, vic, chris, mike - 4 being there ... sharing my warfare!