Waktu tadi sempet-sempetin buka email lama, ternyata ada satu email yang hampir aku lupain tapi meaningfull banget isinya. Basa inggris sih... kutipannya gini:

It's wonderful to be loved without reservation, without having to earn it. We are loved , not because we are good, not because we have lived up to expectations, and not because we've tried to live a good life, but we are loved just like we are...faults and all. God has put a high value on our lives in that He gave His Son to die on a cross to pay the penalty for all our sins. He has a very high purpose for yor life!
After 42 years of struggling with the meaning of life and what the purpose of my life should be, I met a man named Jesus and He changed my life. It has been wonderful to be loved unconditionally and to finally realize the meaning of life itself.
I'm writing you to share this love and to let you know that you are a very special person in the sight of God. He only wants good for you and wants to help you in all of your trials.
Pengirimnya bernama EVAN, aku ga tau siapa dia, ga tau detail apapun tentang dia... tapi isi emailnya itu menyentuh dasar hati yang hampir dingin karena tak pernah disentuh *hiks* payahhhh! Dasar orang kristen!!!
Oya, waktu selesai ngedit layout nih blog, iseng aja kustel lagu-lagu mp3 dari pc kantor, tiba-tiba waktu sampai di lagu ISENG by TG ...eeeh ada yang nyeletuk "Naaaah ini nih yang udah lama aku ga denger..... sip!" *kyaaaa....* si TG boleh bangga tuh, lagunya ada yg demen! *tuk*
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